
SHS Organizations & Ways to Get Involved 

Here’s a tip:  Get involved in our school! If you have a child in elementary school, you can contact their teacher and become a room mom. There are also many clubs that you can become a part of that support the school in different activities. New members are always welcome!


Go with your family to Church on the weekend

All of our school families are highly encouraged to go to your denomination’s church service on the weekends.  SH can enhance but not replace what you as parents are called to do in raising your child in the faith.  To be the fullest reflection of Christ (Mission statement) is to be with the Body of Christ on the weekend worshipping.  If you are looking for a place to worship on the weekends, call the school or parish office. We’ll be happy to have you! 


Activity Request Policy (Download)

Activity Request Form (Download)

SHS Leadership & Members

Sacred Heart School has four important leadership teams that are essential in helping make the decisions that affect both our school and parish. These teams include:

Parish Council, Finance Council, School Advisory Board, and the Sacred Heart School Foundation.


Pastoral Council

Parish Council’s major function is to provide decision-making leadership, direction, and coordination for all organizations and group activities within the Parish. Pastoral Council is responsible for the overall vision and direction of the parish and gives invaluable input to the priests as they make the decisions moving us forward as a parish. Pastoral Council meets every other month on the third Tuesday of the month at 7 pm in the Parish Center.    

Contact: Katelin Hladik / 


Finance Council

With the Pastoral Council discerning the direction and vision of where the parish is going, Finance Council assists the pastors in invaluable ways by helping us make the best decisions regarding our finances including income and expenditures; budgeting; building and grounds; plan improvement, and expansion; and debt retirement. Finance Council meets every other month just before Pastoral Council at 5:30pm in the Parish Center. 

Contact: Doug Benitz / 


School Advisory Council

The primary purpose of the School Advisory Council (SAC) is to advise in the formulation of general policies, plans, procedures, and programs for the school. The (SAC) shares responsibility for the students with the pastor and the principal, acting as a representative group to give general guidance. The SAC meets 6 p.m. the second Wednesday of the month in the Parish Center.

Contact Mrs. Suzann Jenkins, Principal –


Sacred Heart School Foundation Board

In 1979, the Sacred Heart School Foundation was formed with one purpose in mind:  to give Sacred Heart School permanent financial support and stability. The Foundation Annual Fund Drive is Sacred Heart’s foremost fund-raising event and all SHS families are asked to participate. The Annual Fund Drive is critical to SHS’s financial health because the other sources of operating revenue (tuition and St Vincent de Paul Catholic Church) do not fully support the actual cost of educating an SHS student.

Contact: Kyle Herrick, president /