Sacred Heart School has a CLOSED lunch hour, which means students are NOT allowed to bring in fast food or have fast food delivered to the school for lunch consumption. We provide a hot lunch for all students that request it on a daily basis. FACTS Family Portal is used to track all lunch charges and the overall balance for each student’s account.
Lunch Prices & Information for 2024-25
Daycare $2.75
K-5 $2.75
6-12 $3.00
Adult $4.00
Milk served with each meal (2% White or Fat-free Chocolate)
Extra milk & juice (morning snack) $.55 each
The juice is only available for elementary snack time and not lunch to meet dietary regulations.
November 2024 (Download)
December 2024 (Download)
January 2025 (Download)
February 2025 (Download)
*Menu Subject to Change without Notice
Lunch Balances (FACTS) Family Portal
- Your child’s lunch balance and information can be found in your FACTS PARENT PORTAL. This will show payments and purchases for each student.
- Lunches can be paid on a daily basis, weekly basis or monthly.
- A credit is given at the end of the paid lunches if a child does not eat one day.
Free & Reduced Lunch Program
Sacred Heart School is part of the government FREE & REDUCED lunch program. Please feel free to fill out the form if you think you could qualify. This is a great program in which the school is reimbursed for the meals and there is no cost or reduced costs to those that qualify.
Free & Reduced Lunch (English, Spanish)
The following forms are now part of the online paperless enrollment process. Please login into your family FACTS account to complete these forms.
- Permission to Charge Snacks Grades 4-12
- Snack Agreement Form Grades PK-5 Form
If you have any questions – contact the school office at or 660-827-3800.
Menú del Almuerzo
La Escuela del Sagrado Corazón tienen un horario de almuerzo LIMITADO, lo
que significa que los estudiantes NO tienen permitido ir y traer comida
rápida o que se les entregue comida rápida en la escuela para su consumo
en el almuerzo. Diariamente proporcionamos almuerzo caliente a todos los
estudiantes que lo soliciten. Opción C es utilizada para llevar el registro de
los cargos por concepto de almuerzo y el saldo general de la cuenta de cada
Precios del Almuerzo e Información para 2022-2023
guardería $2.75
K-5 $2.75
6-12 $3.00
Adulto $4.00
Se sirve leche con cada comida (Leche del 2% o Leche con Chocolate Libre
de Grasa)
Leche y jugo adicional (para el snack matutino) 55 centavos cada jugo y
solo está disponible durante el horario del snack de grados de primaria y no
para el almuerzo a fin de cumplir las regulaciones dietéticas.
Si tiene preguntas – contacte a la oficina de la escuela al o 660-827-3800.