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Winter Homecoming: Red and White Day (ALL GRADES)
January 17
Theme Dress Up Days
Each student must have FOUR items connected to the theme to be counted.
Example: On Red/White day, a red/white item is counted as one. A white shirt with red lettering is counted as one item.
For Red and White Denim day students must have 3 red and white items + the red and white denim OR 4 red and white items + a normal denim piece.
School Dress Code policies are still in place. No vulgar or offensive clothing may be worn. Modesty is expected.
If school dress code is violated the student will not be counted as dressed in theme for that day. The class will earn no points for that student.
Out of Uniform Days Students are expected to be in modest and appropriate attire. Shirts, blouses, and tops must be long enough to cover the midriff when arms are extended upward. If wearing leggings, shirts must reach at least to the ends of the student’s thumbs and must completely cover the torso. Tank tops, spaghetti straps, and tops with revealing necklines or those that allow undergarments to be visible are not to be worn. Clothing may not be torn or raveled. Skirt, skorts, and shorts must not exceed 5 inches above the knee. For safety reasons, sandals, flip flops, open toe, and/or open backed shoes are not to be worn at any time. At all other times, students are expected to comply with the requirements of the uniform. Students not complying will be asked to change. Special exceptions to this requirement must be arranged with the school administration prior to the non-uniform day.
Students must have their theme dress on by 8am and it should remain on until the end of the school day. Students may change into gym clothing for PE classes. If students remove their theme dress it could impact the final judging.
Judging times will vary daily. CTC students must check-in with Mrs. Howell before leaving for the day to be judged.
The class with the largest percentage of people dressed up determines each day’s winner.
If a tie exists it will be broken based on class spirit, originality and enthusiasm.
Students that do not participate in Spirit Week must remain in dress code. This will count against the class totals.