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Calendar of Events
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Catholic Schools Week “United in Faith and Community”

Food Drive “Soup ‘er Cereal Bowl”

Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest (Ages 9-14)

Catholic Schools Week “United in Faith and Community”

Food Drive “Soup ‘er Cereal Bowl”

Catholic Schools Week Kickoff (All Grades)

Community Coffee and Leadership Circle

Catholic Schools Week “United in Faith and Community”

Food Drive “Soup ‘er Cereal Bowl”

Free Dress Down Day celebrating Catholic Schools Week

ABC Awards (Grades K-5)

Honor Roll (Grades 4 & 5)

CSW: Ice Cream Sundae Bar at Lunch

CSW: Skip-In Day with the Seniors

Catholic Schools Week “United in Faith and Community”

Food Drive “Soup ‘er Cereal Bowl”

Spirit Dress Day (All Grades)

Field Trip: FCCLA STAR Event (Seniors)

CSW: Parents Invited to Lunch with Students

CSW Blood Drive

Gremlin Student Store Open

Catholic Schools Week “United in Faith and Community”

Food Drive “Soup ‘er Cereal Bowl”

CSW: Faculty and Staff Luncheon

Sophomore CTC Visit

Living Rosary (All Grades)

Food Drive Project

Catholic Schools Week “United in Faith and Community”

HS Kaysinger Art Show (Display at SFCC)

NHS Field Trip (Grades 11 and 12)

CSW: Hot Chocolate Bar at Lunch

HS Kaysinger Art Show (Display at SFCC)

HS Kaysinger Art Show (Display at SFCC)

HS Kaysinger Art Show (Display at SFCC)

FIT Meeting (All Juniors)

HS Kaysinger Art Show (Display at SFCC)

ACRE Testing (Juniors)

ACRE Testing (8th Graders)

HS Kaysinger Art Show (Display at SFCC)

HS Kaysinger Art Show (Display at SFCC)

Spirit Dress Day (All Grades)

Papa Johns Night for SH

HS Kaysinger Art Show (Display at SFCC)

Chiefs/NFL Spirit Dress Day (All Grades)

MID 3rd Quarter

Field Trip – Catholic Scholar Bowl (7th Grade)

Scott Joplin Ragtime Assembly (Grades K-5)

HS Kaysinger Art Show (Display at SFCC)

School of Osage Speech Meet (Grades 9-12)


Dental Health (PK)

State Tech College Representative Visit

Dental Health (PK)

Booster Club Meeting in the Commons

Kindergarten Screening

Gremlin Student Store Open

Basketball Theme Night “Adam Sandler” (All Grades)

Field Trip for FCCLA

Kindergarten Screening

Kaysinger Conference Speech Meet (Grades 9-12)

School Advisory Council Meeting

Field Trip for FCCLA

Valentine Spirit Dress Day (Grades K-5)

Elementary Valentine’s Day Parties (Grades K-5)

EARLY OUT- Teacher PD Day


NO SCHOOL – President’s Day


Paid Dress Up Day (All Grades) to benefit Zach Parsons Scholarship Fund

Dental Health (PK)

Basketball Theme Night “Pajama” (All Grades)

Gremlin Student Store Open

Chili Dog, Drink, and Dessert to support the Key Club

Athletes and Disciples – Prayer Service

HS Cheer Competition in Springfield

Math Contest @ Cole Camp (Grades 9-12)

Bellarmine Speech Meet @ St. Joseph – Pilot Grove


Field Trip (Freshmen)

ABC Awards (Grades K-5)


Field Trip (Vet School)

Field Trip (Envirothon)


AFD Kick-Off “Battle of the Brains”

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