Father Clever’s First Assignment as a New Priest

A New Priest and New Assignments

Last Saturday, December 7, at the Cathedral of St. Joseph, the Diocese of Jefferson City celebrated the priestly ordination of Father Gregory Clever. At ordination, a man’s life is dedicated entirely to the service of the Church, and in the Sacrament of Holy Orders, through the imposition of hands and prayer invoking the Holy Spirit, the bishop calls down upon him the graces necessary for that service. Every priestly ordination truly is a celebration for the entire diocese, and therefore for every parish of the diocese.

Father Clever’s First Assignment as a New Priest

For his first assignment, Bishop McKnight has appointed Father Clever as Associate Pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Parish here in Pettis County. He will arrive shortly before Christmas, on December 21. As soon as Sacred Heart School returns to session in January, you’ll be seeing Fr. Clever around the school, as well, so please give him an enthusiastic welcome. We are excited for him to join us here at the parish and school!

A Change of Assignment for Father Berhorst

That announcement is bittersweet for me, because it means that my own time as the Associate Pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Parish and the Director of Faith Formation at Sacred Heart School will soon be coming to an end. In the first days of the new year, on January 6, I will be leaving Pettis County to move to Jefferson City, where the bishop has assigned me to live at the Cathedral of St. Joseph and work full-time at the chancery, in order to devote myself more completely to the ministries of serving as Judicial Vicar and Master of Ceremonies for the diocese.

I’ll have a chance to say more later, but I want to express how grateful I am for the time that I have spent here at our parish and school. It has been a tremendous blessing to me, and I will greatly miss this community, which welcomed me so kindly when I arrived last October.

Download the St. Vincent de Paul Parish Bulletins for December 8th HERE and December 15th HERE

Come, Lord Jesus!

In Christ,

Fr. Berhorst

A Note On the Transition of Our Associate Pastor & An Invitation

I want to share my deepest appreciation for all Father Berhorst has done in his role as associate pastor including his responsibilities as Director of Faith Formation at Sacred Heart School. He is a passionate caring priest who exemplifies an excellent work ethic making the people he is around his first priority in helping them grow in holiness. He has many gifts and talents that we benefited from while he has been with us these 14 months. May the Lord continue to bless him and lead him as he continues to minister to the people in our diocese and beyond in his continued assignments. I am happy he will be with us through Christmas and into the new year. Fr. Berhorst’s farewell reception will be January 5 from 1:30-3:30 at St. Patrick basement.

I believe it is a great blessing and joy for us, at the same time, to welcome a brand new priest Fr. Clever to his and our parish. A first assignment stays with the priest’s memory and has much to do with how he is shaped for the rest of his priesthood. What an honor we have. Let us welcome him wholeheartedly. Fr. Clever’s welcome reception will be on December 22 from 1-3pm at St. Patrick basement.