DAILY BULLETIN – Friday, November 8th, 2019


Extraordinary Catholic Education. Through Christ. For ALL.

  • Morning Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance (Claire Smelzter)
  • Today is the Feast Day Blessed John Duns Scotus


11.8.19 11.12.19
Pancake Sausage on a stick

Scrambled eggs



Pancake Sausage on a stick

Scrambled eggs





  • We have all school mass this morning at 8:30.  There will be a short assembly afterwards in the Church.
  • The SH Scholar Bowl Team was very successful on Wednesday winning 2 of 3 matches in Windsor. The Grems beat LaMonte and Lincoln in their 1st meet of the season.  Way to go Grems! Our next competition is Nov. 25 at Northwest.
  • There will be an NHS meeting during lunch today in the commons.
  • Today is a paid dress down day.  All proceeds to go toward the Sedalia School Foundation, designated for the Brendan Eisenmenger Student Impact Fund.
  • Picture retakes are scheduled for Nov.14th. Please come to the office if you are needing to retake pictures and get a packet. Thank you!
  • Reminder there is no school on Monday, November 11th .


Next day prayer: Bella Smith



Sports Action:

Soccer:  The varsity soccer team (16-8, 5-0 Conference Champions) won an exciting, hard-fought victory over the Green Ridge Tigers last night in the District Tournament buy a score of 2-1.  The Grems now advance to the championship match vs St. OPaul Lutheran on Saturday. Kickoff is at 2:00 pm at Clover Dell Soccer Park. The weather is supposed to be great so let’s bring out a BIG crowd to cheer the boys on! 





“Dear Father, help calm the distracting thoughts swirling around our minds so we can pray peacefully. Remind us that words alone are not gratitude. We open our hearts as we recall that You know us infinitely better than we can ever know ourselves. 

We are struck dumb, wordless, humbled, yet comforted by the faith you placed in our souls at our baptism, the friendship of your saints, the utterly reliable embrace of Mary, and the protection of Joseph. Yet we have nothing to offer but our silence as we wait for your word. 

O Father, what should we pray? Our prayer of thanksgiving is one word, one way, one truth, one life, one priest, one king, one man carrying us in His arms, bringing us into the very depths of the Holy Trinity. Our word of thanksgiving is: Jesus. 

Jesus, we whisper. Jesus, we long for You. Jesus, the tears well in our eyes. Jesus, you are our prayer. Thank you, Father. Amen.”


“One act of thanksgiving when things go wrong with us is worth a thousand thanks when things are agreeable in our lives.”

Saint John of Avila