Wish List

Wish List

Educators frequently dip into their own personal funds to buy items that enhance their classrooms and support student learning. In addition to facility needs, we invited teachers to submit their wish lists so that parents, parishioners, and community members might bless them with a gift for their classroom. 

Your gift is 100% tax deductible. Thank you for your consideration of these requests. For more information, please contact Liz Van Leer at shfoundation@gogremlins.com.

Sacred Heart School Foundation Annual Fund Drive = No limit! 

Our Annual Fund Drive remains our top need and priority as it supports the long-term and immediate operational needs of Sacred Heart School. Please help us reach our goal of $255,000! https://p2p.onecause.com/gogremlins

Goggle Sanitizer Cabinet = $750

This sanitization system for science labs lets weird science happen in the lab and not on the goggles! 

Playground Fencing = $15,000

Wrap our playground with love with a gift of new fencing. In 2020, new fencing was installed around the playground equipment area. This addition around the open play space would fully enclose the playground, improving the overall safety and outdoor play experience.

Campus Gates = $3,000

Our campus is a destination spot for many after-school events and activities. The addition of campus gates will close off areas and provide additional security where lockable doors are not available.

Editor’s note: If donations toward a wish list item exceed the needed amount, donors will be notified and funding will be redirected toward another priority item. Thank you!