Speech Team


Senior High Speech

Senior High Speech


Junior High Speech


Ms. Chelsea Turner

High School Speech Sponsor: Ms. Chelsea Turner

Mrs. Marcia BAll

Junior High Speech Sponsor:  Mrs. Marcia Ball


The Diocese of Jefferson City sponsors the Bellarmine Speech League , and it is open to all parochial schools for membership. Students from grades 6-8 can participate in the meets, and a school can enter up to eight students in a meet. Currently students may perform in Humorous, Serious, and Duet Acting, and participating schools can send 2 performers /performances(duet 4) in each category. Students sign up to participate, and the coaches work with the students on designated practice times. This year, the team participated in the Our Lady of Lourdes Interparish School Meet on November 9, and brought home 5 Blue Ribbons!! Our next meet is January 18, February 22, and the Diocesan Meet is March 29. We appreciate our students who take time out of their busy schedules to work to memorize their pieces and perform them at the meets. They are a great group of students, and we are blessed to coach them on their journey.