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Spirit Dress Day (All Grades)

February 6

Spirit Dress Day Code (All Grades) 

● Spirit Dress Days are free to participate in and will occur on the first Friday of each month unless otherwise noted. 

● Students are encouraged to wear spirit wear to show their school spirit. Students who choose not to participate in Spirit Dress attire areexpected to wear their uniforms, per usual (belt and collared shirt tucked in). 

● Spirit Wear may be purchased from the Gremlin Student Store. These items may be worn on Spirit Dress Days. Spirit Wear is traditionallyan item with the Sacred Heart logo visible on the front of it. 

● Students may wear any Sacred Heart Spirit Wear short or long-sleeved t-shirt, hoodie, crewneck, ¼ zip with a Sacred Heart logo visible onthe front of it. Shirts may be untucked. 

● Students may wear school-appropriate denim jeans, Sacred Heart pajama pants, Sacred Heart sweatpants, Sacred Heart athletic shorts, anduniform bottoms. Shorts may only be worn during warm weather seasons. All shorts must be conservative in length. Shorts (boys and girls)or skirts/skorts/dresses (girls only) may be no shorter than 5” from the top of the knee when kneeling. They may not be rolled at the waistor altered in length to be shorter. A belt is optional unless the pants are too loose-fitting to be held up otherwise. 

● On Spirit Dress Days: Sacred Heart Hats, Beanies, Jackets (except Letterman Jackets), Jerseys, etc. are not permitted. 

● All clothing should be neat and clean with no rips, holes, or frays. 

● Students are expected to be in modest and appropriate attire on non-uniform days.


February 6
Event Category: