Many thanks to all who assisted with and participated in the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage as it came through our parish! Our celebrations were beautiful and it was a grace-filled two days for the whole St. Vincent de Paul community. In case you missed it, or if you’re looking to keep unpacking all that happened while the NEP was with us, here are a few resources to help you reflect on what we experienced:
Click here to read Fr. Joe’s bulletin article from this past Sunday.
Click here to see the full photo album for the events on July 1st.
Click here to see the full photo album for the events on July 2nd.
Click here to watch a video featuring footage from the whole week of NEP events in our Diocese.
Eucharistic processions are a wonderful Catholic tradition and a powerful way that we give public witness to our faith: we quite literally take to the streets to proclaim the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. They remind us that what we do in church isn’t meant to be kept there, but that what we celebrate and receive at Mass is meant to overflow into our homes, our school, and our city.
The National Eucharistic Pilgrimage may have left Missouri as it continues on its way to Indianapolis for the Eucharistic Congress next week, but that doesn’t mean our work is done! Rather, our experience of the past week ought to renew our desire to share our faith and invite others into greater communion with Christ and His Mystical Body, the Church.